
Jesus said in Mark 16:15, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. We desire to reach our world both home and abroad. We offer opportunities to share the gospel here in our own community, but we also support missionaries around the world. We give financially, pray for them, and seek to be involved in their ministry however possible. Adults and teens have opportunities from time to time to visit missionaries on the field.

Our Supported Missionaries

Mark and Ashley Ackeret – Ecuador

Tiko and Lena Agamalian – Russia

Baptist World Mission

Barry and Anita Beiles – Spain

Brandon and Regina Bell – Dominican Republic

Jim and Terry Bracelin – Silent Word Ministries

Michael and Janice Berbin – Papua New Guinea

Andrew and Shawn Canavan – Ireland

Christian Law Association

Aquila and Rachel Darimani – Ghana

Pat and Mary Delaney – Field Administrator Baptist World Mission

Jed and Gloria Duarte – Brazil

Mike and Vicky Fester – Peru

Mike and Jennifer Fiocchi – Albania

Ron and Tina Fruin – South Africa

Michael and Emily Germi – USA

Eric and Katie Graham – South Africa

Dan and Karyn Hassman – South Africa

Les and Jennifer Hill – Ireland

Dan and Sherry Hyden – USA

Tom and Anna Johnson – Cambodia

Frank and Jennifer Maietta – Italy

Jeremy and Laura Markle – Puerto Rico

Jimmy and Rachel Pierre – Haiti

Stephen and Christina Rains – Kenya

Tejay and Karina Rene – Belarus

Josh and Rachel Roberts – Wales

Chris and Laura Sanderlin – Cameroon

Nathan and Hannah Schrock – Ivory Coast

Servant’s Heart Camp

Rachel Steffensmeier – Philippines

Jon and Lena Stover – Germany

Alexander and Sophia Tingbani – Ghana

Don and Jill Vanderhoof – Germany

Chris and Darcy Vergiels – Brazil

David and Jennifer Willis – Spain

Paul and Sherry Zimmer – Micronesia