Meet the Staff

Senior Pastor Stoeckmann

Pastor Stoeckmann was raised in a Christian family in Milwaukee, Wisconsin as the oldest son of German immigrants. It was during his grade school years while attending Vacation Bible School that he trusted Christ as his personal Savior and was later baptized. With the encouragement of his parents and youth pastor, he attended Bible College to prepare to serve the Lord. While in college he met his wife, Darla, who was studying nursing. Darla was also raised in a Christian family and grew up in Bucks County Pennsylvania. Pastor and Darla were married in 1987 and have spent most of their ministry years in the Lehigh Valley raising their 5 children. They now enjoy occasional trips across the U.S. and to Ecuador to visit their children and 13 grandchildren. Pastor considers it a tremendous blessing to serve missionaries as a board member at Baptist World Mission. One of he and Darla’s greatest joys in ministry is to encourage missionaries and visit the mission field. Pastor loves the outdoors whether it be gardening, walking, biking or hunting. Darla enjoys some of those same activities in addition to decorating, cooking, and showing hospitality. 

Assistant Pastor Worsham

Pastor Worsham was born and raised in a Christian home in Richmond, VA.   He trusted Christ as his personal Savior at 5 years old after being confronted with the gospel at a dramatic presentation.  He had the privilege of attending a Christian school and then attending Bible college where he met his wife, Heather, who also lived in the Richmond area even though they never met before college.  Heather was the first of her family to trust Christ.  She was saved at the age of 7 as the result of a church bus ministry.  After they were married in 1994 Pastor Worsham served for 5 years on pastoral staff at the church he grew up in.  The Worshams moved to the Lehigh Valley in 2000.  They have 4 children.  Pastor Worsham serves as the assistant and youth pastor. 

The History of Valleyview

"The Lord hath done great things for us; whereof we are glad." Psalm 126:3

In July 1973, Pastor Dean Bult asked Bill Varner, our only remaining charter member, if if he would be willing to help him start a Bible preaching church in the Allentown area. Bill agreed and the first services were held in Bill’s home. Soon it was evident that a bigger location was needed to house this young and growing church. After several years of temporary locations, the church, under the leadership of Dean’s brother Paul Bult, purchased a five acre parcel on Airport Road.

Under the church’s third pastor, Kevin Youse, Pastor Volker Stoeckmann came to be the assistant pastor. After a short time of ministry together, Pastor Youse moved to another ministry, and Pastor Stoeckmann was called to be our pastor in 1993. Within several years the church again was in need of space, but zoning restrictions from the air flight pattern of the Lehigh Valley Airport hampered expansion. In the Fall of 1998, the Lord led us to purchase our current location of 25 acres for just $175,000.

In January of 2000, Pastor Mark Worsham was added to the church staff as we prepared to enter the construction phase of our present facilities. In December of 2001, our building was dedicated to the Lord for the reaching of needy souls in the Lehigh Valley. By God’s grace, we were able to pay off our mortgage and be debt free in August of 2016. And with our continued growth, in 2020 we completed construction on our basement adding additional classrooms.

Over the past 22 years at this location, many have heard the Gospel and numerous individuals have gone from here to serve the Lord in other ministries. We praise the Lord for His faithfulness to our congregation. Our aim is to bring glory to Him for as long as He tarries His coming.


Holding forth the Word of life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither have labored in vain.” Philippians 2:16